L20 7 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

L20 7 is a postcode sector in Sefton, UK. Below is a complete list of L20 7 Postcodes (Active). L20 7 postcode sector comprises of 100 active postcodes. L20 7 sector has a population of 1899, and it has 886 properties in the region.

Browse Information On L20 7 postcode sector

L20 7 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 1899
Addresses / Property Count 886
Active Postcodes 100
Nearby Postcode Districts 65
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of L20 7 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 100 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
L20 7AA 53.44725600 -2.99477000 32 52 334029 394960
L20 7AB 53.44660800 -2.99475300 18 26 334029 394888
L20 7AD 53.44729400 -2.99546200 N/A N/A 333983 394965
L20 7AE 53.44567800 -2.99415900 N/A N/A 334067 394784
L20 7AH 53.44571600 -2.99515500 8 49 334001 394789
L20 7AJ 53.44699100 -2.99400900 20 86 334079 394930
L20 7AL 53.44752700 -2.99363100 32 91 334105 394989
L20 7AN 53.44752500 -2.99486600 11 18 334023 394990
L20 7AP 53.44895700 -2.99240000 3 23 334189 395147
L20 7AQ 53.44934000 -2.99158000 N/A N/A 334244 395189
L20 7AT 53.44843100 -2.99383200 3 8 334093 395090
L20 7AU 53.44912400 -2.99481200 N/A N/A 334029 395168
L20 7AW 53.44258700 -2.98854700 N/A N/A 334435 394435
L20 7AZ 53.44738200 -2.99257400 17 36 334175 394972
L20 7BA 53.44634700 -2.99039600 11 25 334318 394855
L20 7BB 53.44618400 -2.99164200 11 19 334235 394838
L20 7BD 53.44755600 -2.98684100 7 15 334556 394986
L20 7BE 53.44591900 -2.99329200 N/A N/A 334125 394810
L20 7BG 53.44130400 -2.99158800 14 21 334231 394295
L20 7BL 53.44429000 -2.99045400 6 12 334311 394626
L20 7BN 53.44133800 -2.99092800 22 32 334275 394298
L20 7BP 53.44436100 -2.99169100 N/A N/A 334229 394635
L20 7BQ 53.44297300 -2.99320900 10 29 334126 394482
L20 7BS 53.44187000 -2.99053300 2 8 334302 394357
L20 7BT 53.44303600 -2.99093700 11 32 334277 394487
L20 7BW 53.44284500 -2.99129400 13 36 334253 394466
L20 7BX 53.44031900 -2.98804400 12 20 334465 394182
L20 7BY 53.44189800 -2.98835100 2 3 334447 394358
L20 7BZ 53.44315200 -2.98871100 14 18 334425 394498
L20 7DA 53.44401300 -2.98894100 7 11 334411 394594
L20 7DB 53.44351500 -2.99161000 6 9 334233 394541
L20 7DF 53.44348200 -2.99017900 29 71 334328 394536
L20 7DG 53.44258500 -2.99204000 30 87 334203 394438
L20 7DH 53.44401200 -2.99038800 17 36 334315 394595
L20 7DJ 53.44779000 -2.98680200 6 12 334559 395012
L20 7DL 53.44212800 -2.99186300 20 52 334214 394387
L20 7DN 53.44242600 -2.98976400 24 66 334354 394418
L20 7DP 53.44159500 -2.99128000 14 21 334252 394327
L20 7DQ 53.44266900 -2.98967900 46 134 334360 394445
L20 7DR 53.44173700 -2.98919000 42 78 334391 394341
L20 7DS 53.44122000 -2.99106000 15 27 334266 394285
L20 7DT 53.44153800 -2.98953200 56 84 334368 394319
L20 7DU 53.44111700 -2.98938700 27 55 334377 394272
L20 7DW 53.44211900 -2.98972500 21 50 334356 394384
L20 7DX 53.44084800 -2.98930500 25 38 334382 394242
L20 7EA 53.44476900 -2.99233300 N/A N/A 334187 394681
L20 7EB 53.44442200 -2.99289700 N/A N/A 334149 394643
L20 7ED 53.44277400 -2.99219600 N/A N/A 334193 394459
L20 7EE 53.43995900 -2.98919400 38 84 334388 394143
L20 7EF 53.44339700 -2.99299300 N/A N/A 334141 394529
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